Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Spring Flowers - You Should SEE the Yard :)

The magnolia in the evening spring rain is probably my favorite out of this bunch. But the lilac is smelling awfully wonderful. And I really like the delicateness and perfection of the bleeding hearts. Someone actually used the phlox photo for a button on their website. You can see that here
It's down at the bottom. I think they did a great job with it.
The yard is starting to look like a garden, despite the fact that I haven't been out there to rake all the deadness from the fall out. I love this time of year :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Free Spring Border Header Tulip Photos Pictures


Picture Prompts for Creative Writing

Okay - so I entered some pictures with prompts into the 365 Days site for creative writing.

Here are the dates I have so far that will feature my pictures and prompts.

April 21
May 20
June 10

Other morguefile contributors will be on June 17 and June 30.

Here is the website that you can check out on those days - It's only a one time shot so don't miss it :)


If you are interested, they might have days open still if you would like to contribute. Just check out the site. :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

OK, back to spring

Hyacinth is one of my favorite smells. Wish I could attach it in "smellavision." :) I put the top of a daffodil in the pond and let it float around. Unfortunately, the pond water had a lot of "stuff" floating on top already and so I had to colorize the water. You can still see a bit of the reflection in the second one.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cutting Loose

My Own Riverdance Interpretation

Sometimes You Just Gotta Dance

Sometimes You Just Gotta Let Go

All great titles for this super hilarious pic that had me laughing so hard I was crying. And later she came to me and said, "Aunt Daisy, that guy over there is CRAZY dancing!" Obviously she doesn't know what she looks like :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I can't even believe it has been so long since I posted here. I have been in my own little world with spring break and all. Sorry about that folks!

These are some pictures of my Jane Magnolia that is just beginning to bloom. It's one of my favorite plants but it is so unusual in that it blooms before it ever gets leaves. The color is just absolutely tremendous - it looks so romantic. And I love the two tone of the petals - dark on outside and light on the inside.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Free Spring Flower Pictures

Everyone takes pictures of flowers. After the dreariness of winter, those spring bulbs just tempt you to come outside and see the beauty first hand.

Since everyone takes pictures of flowers, I have been working on ways to get "different" views and ideas with the flowers. Here are a couple I've worked on.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Best Time of Year for Free Photos

Here it comes!

In my opinion, it has to be spring. Nothing like all that green. And while my camera doesn't shoot openly in the rain, I have become quite devious in my shielding. I get soaked but the camera stays dry :)

So here are some of my just starting spring photos. You can find more of my free spring pictures of daffodils, crocus and such on the morguefile over the next couple of days :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Photo of the Month Contest

I just found a neat little website. It is a monthly photography contest. You are only allowed one upload for each month. Each month has its own theme (and I am all about themes!) and the picture uploaded has to be geared to that theme.

This sounds like fun :)

Check it out

http://www.proudphotography.com/forum/showthread.php?p=15591#post15591 (this is the list of themes for each month)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Some Days

I considered myself lucky. I like all the aspects of taking pictures.

I like taking them. I like looking for shots. I like downloading them so I can REALLY see them. I like filing them on the computer in the right folders so I can find them. I like editing them. I like uploading and sharing them. I even like writing and talking about them.

I get bored taking pictures (cause everything is so dreary out) and so I spend some time in front of the computer. Or vice versa. You just never know what I might be doing. I might be editing photos from two weeks ago. Or downloading (which seems to take forever sometimes) and sorting.

This is so unusual for me.

I used to make jewelry - hated putting on the findings.

I cross stitch - hate getting out all the thread (even though it is pretty - hmm, should take a picture of that stuff)

I paint - hate cleaning the brushes (but that's okay cause I think everyone but my mom feels the same way)

I garden - hate deadheading. (weeding is up there too but at times I find it extremely therapeutic)

I teach - HATE grading papers and filing - I still have two milk crates under my desk of things to be filed from two years ago. Guess I know where I can file them now.

It's nice to do something that I like it as a whole.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Free Header Photo for Spring Forward

Feel free to copy and paste. Use widely! Keep everyone on time and informed :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Why I Started Photography

I have always liked taking pictures. When I was little I got a camera for Christmas one year. Those poor photos showed my sister in her Wonder Woman "Underoos." She even had on the tall boots. Legs out like she was a superhero. And I cut the top of her head off.

So normal for a small child, as the other week I let my three year old niece use my camera while we were all together playing Guitar Hero. Kids just have a different perspective of the world.

I like the documentation of photos. The entire cabinet under my TV is full of albums. My living room wall is covered with scuba diving photos.

Even with all this, I never thought of it as a hobby. I never took a class. I really never even thought about it. The whole darkroom thing just wasn't anything I was interested in (with all those stinky chemicals and darkness - oooooh.)
Then they came out with digital cameras.

Then I started selling on ebay. If you want to sell something, you better take a good picture of it.

I did that for probably 3 years and then it dawned on me, hey, other people could use or might want pictures of "stuff."

And then, I found morguefile. I just can't even explain how wonderful the community is there. The kindness, the givingness, and the genuine sharing and care for other people with the same hobby. Morguefile kinda made me want to do this with a whole heart. I think as time goes on, my heart becomes more evident in my pictures. Which has made me more critical of what I want to show as my own picture.

Don't get me wrong. I still sometimes upload very inferior pictures, but usually because that was the best I could get at that moment. Or I know someone would want it regardless, like if it was an unusual event or such that I can't go back in time and retake the pics.

But more and more I want my pictures to show how I really SEE something, which is usually beautiful in its own way.

But, I promise, no more cutting off of the heads :) unless it is on purpose.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Answers to Photo Daisy Game

The most recent one was a picture of an aviation map.
The one before that was the top of my outdoor table in the snow.
The one before that was the string that lives in my tree with the birds and squirrels. :)

Feel free to post the answer to the game in any comment section :) Who knows? You just might win a, uh, what's that Johnny? We are out of prizes? Okay folks, just play to have bragging rights :)