Wednesday, February 25, 2009

American Sign Language Alphabet photos

Last night I spent forever uploading pictures to morguefile. I got on a whim and took pictures of myself doing the American Sign Language alphabet.

I am not the best and realize I made some of them backwards. But I attempted them and my hand looked halfway decent (my nails were done.)

So if you are looking for photos like this, you might want to check them out. I might add more (numbers, simple signs) later, depending on how much they get used. If you want something specific, feel free to drop me a line.

It was funny because I was so proud of how well my nails looked. And as I downloaded the pictures and looked at them, I must have used a pen that day before the pictures. I had a giant ink spot on my index finger. I had to edit it out of every photo where you could see my finger. :)

Give me a sign that you are out there :)


Shan G said...

We have taught our daughter ASL since she was a little baby. Have you heard about Signing Time on PBS? Great show started by a Mom who's oldest daughter is deaf. My little one loves all the songs and visual prompts to remember the signs.

Diver Daisy said...

That is so wonderful! My hubby's dad is deaf and all the grandkids have half-kinda learned it but of course no one uses it and realies on lip reading! I haven't heard of that show- it sounds wonderful. Will have to get my niece to check it out. She's just about the age of your diva :)